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Sometimes, the most effective actions for the well-being of a tree are simple and minimal, avoiding excessive intervention. Even a small amount of remedial work can have long-term positive effects on a tree's health.

Tree Health Diagnosos

Tree Health Diagnosis

Diagnosing and addressing tree health problems can range from a quick visual assessment to a comprehensive investigation and written report. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations to improve the overall health of the tree.

Air spading _edited.jpg

(Root De-compaction)

Root compaction is a commonly overlooked issue that negatively affects tree health. The delicate fine roots of trees suffer from years of heavy traffic, mowing, or foot traffic. Through air-spading, we can alleviate compacted soil, promoting healthier root growth and overall tree vitality.


There are various reasons why you might consider pruning your trees. It could be because the tree has outgrown its space, branches are interfering with structures or hanging too low, or you simply want more light in your garden. Regardless of the reason, it is crucial to ensure that pruning is carried out correctly and safely, with a focus on the tree's health by removing only what is necessary.

two tree surgeons pruning a tree in the sunshine

Tree Pruning

In many cases,  pruning specific branches can minimise the impact on the tree's energy production while reducing the risk of branch failures. This targeted approach helps maintain a healthy tree structure.

Tree Canopy Reduction

Canopy Reductions

Partial or full reductions of trees involve reducing the overall size of the tree, usually by removing lengths from the tips of branches.  performed to keep trees away from infrastructure like buildings, lighting, or roads. 



Pollarding typically entails removing all the leaf cover from a tree, leaving a bare skeletal structure. The cycle is usually maintained on a 4-6 year basis, depending on the species and location.

Deadwood Removal

Deadwood Removal

Trees naturally have some amount of dead material, as branches that are not contributing enough energy are shut down by the tree. However, in some cases, these dead branches can be significant in size and should be removed to prevent potential damage or harm if they were to fall.

Branch Removal

Broken/Snapped Branch Removal

Occasionally, branches may snap partially or completely from a tree but remain caught in the canopy or are leaning on property. These loose branches can pose a future risk of falling and causing damage or harm. 


Unfortunately, there are instances when it becomes necessary to completely remove trees. This can occur when a tree has reached the end of its life cycle, sustained significant damage, is no longer suitable for its location or poses a risk to people or property. In such cases, it is crucial to entrust the task of tree removal to knowledgeable and experienced individuals who can minimize any damage to the surrounding area.

Tree Felling

Tree Felling 

When there is ample space available, trees can be felled from ground level. However, it's important to note that this method may cause damage to the ground, particularly for larger trees.

Fallen or Failed Trees

Fallen or Failed Trees/ Emergency tree works 

Trees can fail due to various reasons, including root failure from rot, extreme weather conditions, or undermining. Dealing with a tree that has fallen onto or into something can be extremely dangerous. It requires careful consideration of multiple factors, and often necessitates specialist equipment and knowledge to handle the situation safely and effectively.

A large piece of timber that has been cut from a tree is being lifted by a miniature crane

Sectional Dismantle

In cases where trees are situated in smaller spaces, they often need to be taken down in smaller sections to avoid damage to surrounding structures. This process can be carried out by climbing the canopy using ropes and harnesses, or by utilising specialised machinery such as:

- M.E.W.P (Mobile Elevated Work Platform or cherry picker)
- Crane
- Machine-mounted grapple saw


Tree Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding 

After the tree is removed, the stump usually remains. If there is access for a stump grinder, it can be used to grind out the stump, preventing any regrowth and leaving a cleaner area. Once the ground has settled, the space can be seeded or repurposed.

Site Clearance / Vegetation Management

Sometimes, the project at hand can go beyond just a couple of trees. You might find yourself dealing with a piece of land that has been neglected for quite some time and requires restoration to a more manageable state. Alternatively, you might have a desire to repurpose the site for a different use altogether. 

Overgrown Sites

Overgrown Sites

Overgrown sites can be difficult to resolve if left unmanaged. Mixed vegetation such as brambles or overgrown shrubs can reduce usability of land and be daunting to resolve. We can advise on potential solutions, as well as deploy a variety of equipment to clear overgrown areas

Site Clearance

Site Clearence

Sometimes, you just need a clean slate when it comes to a site. Whether you're planning a new development or looking to repurpose your land. We understand the importance of preparing the land for future use. Our team is equipped with the right tools and expertise to handle site clearances of any size, be it a large-scale project or a smaller one. 


We love to see our customers make the most of the material generated from tree work. There are countless possibilities for its use!  If you decide not to keep the material, please know that we always consider its proper disposal as an essential part of every job we undertake.



When it comes to the smaller branches and vegetation from tree work, we prioritise sustainability by recycling them. We utilise a wood chipper to process these branches, creating wood chips. 

Timber Milling


We enjoy offering our clients the opportunity to keep this material for their own use. It can be repurposed into various items, such as benches, outdoor tables, fireplace mantles, or even oak beams for renovation projects. 

Logs and Firewood

Log / Firewood

For larger branches, they can either be used as firewood or chipped by larger wood chippers. The resulting material is commonly sent off for biomass purposes. If you wish to keep the wood for firewood, we can cut it into manageable sizes, making it easier for you to split.

Tree and Seat Carving

Seat Carving

In some cases, the timber may not be suitable for milling due to its condition. However, it can still be repurposed through carving. Large sections of timber can be carved into wonderful seating areas, perfect for outdoor spaces.



Tree Condition Report 

Regular inspections are crucial for trees situated in or near heavily frequented areas to guarantee their health and safety. Our team conducts comprehensive tree condition reports to minimise potential risks to individuals and property. By promptly identifying any existing concerns, we can offer suitable recommendations for timely remedial actions. This proactive approach ensures the prompt resolution of issues and maintains a secure environment for everyone.

Site Surveys

If you're a site manager, in the midst of a developer handover, or simply need to maintain your property. We conduct thorough and detailed assessments of the tree stock, providing you with essential information. Through mapping and creating a handy table, we compile basic details about the trees, including any recommended works that might be needed. This not only ensures a more efficient and effective future management plan but also saves you time and effort. 

Management Plans

Managing a large number of trees on a site may seem overwhelming, but with a well-designed long-term management plan, it becomes more manageable. Such a plan helps ensure health and safety compliance and budget optimisation. Undertaking proactive work, especially on a larger scale, early on can lead to long-term cost savings compared to reactive measures.

BS:5837 Trees and Development

During the planning process for any development, adherence to the BS5837 document is essential. We provide site surveys, reports, and arboricultural impact assessments to comply with the requirements outlined in this document, ensuring the proper consideration and management of trees.

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